How To Create A Vision Board With Purpose

vision board

Happy March!! Hoping your year is not only progressing but thriving! Though this is the last month of the first quarter, I know there are people out there who still feel like this year is running away from them as they don’t have a firm idea of what they want out of this year, but all they know is that is going, and it’s going by fast.

For anyone who still feels unsure about what they want, not only out of this year, but out of life, I want to share snippets of my blog post “How To Create A Vision Board With Purpose.” I believe that there’s a lot of power in creating vision boards and visualizing what you want for your life, but that’s only if your vision board has a purpose.

When creating a vision board you want to be really clear about the goals you want to accomplish and the ideal life you want to live. You also want to have purpose and intention behind your board. Don’t think just because you add inspiring words and pictures to your board that your life is going to miraculously change. Nope, it doesn’t work that way. You have to do the work in order to create the life you envision for yourself.

Also Related: Interview With Cheryl Wood: Visionary of Create Your Own Sizzle

Let’s first start by defining what is a vision board…

A vision board is simply a visual representation of your goals, dreams, and ideal life. Typically people add pictures from magazines and inspiring words to a poster board and hang it up so they can see it often. Your vision board represents what you want your life to look like.

What I’ve noticed after having conversations with others about vision boards is that often times people create them and never look at them again. They have fun putting it together but never really put thought behind the action steps they need to take in order to accomplish what’s on their board. I want to share 6 steps you need to take to create a vision board with purpose and intention.

Before you start clipping images and words you need to define what do you want for your life and the goals you want to accomplish.

Now that you’ve identified what you want, it’s time to have fun, grab some magazines and start cutting out pictures and words that match the goals you want to achieve.

Once your vision board is complete then you want to jot down the action steps you’re going to take in order to achieve what’s on your board.

You thought about what you want to accomplish next year, you created your vision board, you’ve written down your action steps now you have to BELIEVE that you can have what’s on your board.

Your board needs to be visible everywhere you go. Post your vision board in a place where you have no choice but to see it every day.

When you accomplish something on your board be sure to check it off. When we’re so busy working we sometimes forget to celebrate our small wins.

As mentioned in the intro, these steps are just snippets of what you’ll find on my blog. Head on over to read the full version, where you’ll also find a link to download FREE Vision Action Sheets.

Do you believe Vision Boards work? Why or why not?

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  • Marcia Shannon52
    March 4, 2016 at 8:18 AM

    Hi Siobhan! This is a great article. It has inspired me to try using a vision board again. In the past I have made vision boards but as you stated in your article, I would never look at it again. After reading your article, I see that I did not take the time to think about what I wanted my goals to be and what I wanted my life to look like before I began to cut out pictures for my vision board. I will also check out the complete blog post on your site as you suggested. Have a great day and continue to write!!

    • Siobhan (BeFree Project)
      March 4, 2016 at 10:05 AM

      Hi Marcia! Thank you! I’ve learned that in order for your vision board to really work, you have to be intentional about what you want and how you’re going to get it done. I appreciate you taking time to read the post and sharing feedback. Don’t forget to download the free worksheets, they serve as a great guide to help you create your vision board.

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    April 25, 2016 at 1:15 AM

    […] going the way you pictured or hoped. In those moments, I want you to have either a picture or a vision board that will remind you of the love you have towards your craft, and hopefully, motivate you to stay […]

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