3 Ways Dreamers Dream & Take Action to Achieve Their Goals #DDADisney

Hey y’all! As we get into the holiday season and the year comes to a close, we start to see so many people talk about their dreams. Whether it’s talking about their new goals for the year, or what changes they will make to improve their lives, it’s all over the place.

This time of year brings new hopes and dreams to everyone, myself included. And when I attend events like the Disney Dreamers Academy (DDA), it fuels even bigger passions, goals and dreams for myself.

I often wish that I had known about how to dream when I was younger. This is why I’m so passionate about the Disney Dreamers Academy and what they offer to our young generation of high schoolers. If you missed my previous post, be sure to check out all of the details here on why it’s so important to encourage your children to apply.

If this is your first time on the blog, let me briefly catch you up on DDA. The DDA has inspired young minds nationwide by fueling their dreams and showing them a world of possibilities. Each year, students participate in hands-on, immersive career workshops, ranging from animation to zoology. Thousands of students apply and only 100 are selected.

The deadline to enter is Tuesday October 31st! Click here to review the application and to have your child apply.

If your child is a homeschooler, they absolutely can still apply to attend. Check out the interview I did with a homeschooler from the 2016 class. And follow the directions below for your homeschooler to apply:

  • On the registration form they should note their home as “Homeschooled” and the phone number can be the parent / educator’s number
  • If they are chosen – most states have a state approval/notice that applies to homeschooled students that they would need to submit at that time. In states where that is not required, DDA would have the parents sign an affidavit affirming the student is homeschooled.

This is why I want to share the top 3 ways that Dreamers Dream AND take action to achieve their goals.

1. Dreamers gain clarity and commit to their vision

The first thing a dreamer does is they get clear about what they want. They may not know how they’re going to get there, but they know where they want to end up. They seek out opportunities to connect with other people who can help them grow. Opportunities like the Disney Dreamers Academy. With the Speakers Resource Group, Dreamers will be connected to a plethora of leaders and people who can connect and guide them.

2. Dreamers stay focused on their goals

There will always be obstacles and challenges that come your way. There will always be things that come up to throw you off track. There will be people in your ear that tell you why you should be doing X, Y & Z. But Dreamers find people who will inspire and motivate them to reach their goals. If you need a little inspiration, here are 15 stories to conquer your personal challenges, fears and doubts to make your vision a reality. 

3. Dreamers create a plan to reach their goals

We all have heard it before: When you plan to fail, you fail to plan. Are you currently using some kind of system to keep your goals in front of you? I can tell you that once I started regularly writing my goals down, I have been able to achieve so much more. If you need a planner that’s going to help you simplify, set and take action to achieve your goals, check out the planner my sister and I produce annually.

As a mother of three, I’m committed to inspiring my own children to take action to dream big and achieve their goals. I definitely pray that the Disney Dreamers Academy will still be around when they are eligible to apply.

The DDA is open to US High School students ages 13-19 in grades 9th-12th. If your child fits these minimum requirements then I encourage you to have them apply for this life-changing event.  Click here to review the application and to have your child apply.

In case you missed it, below is everything I’ve written highlighting the Disney Dreamers Academy.

Photo Credit: Disney Dreamers Academy

2016 Coverage

2017 Coverage


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