Distracted Driving is Never Ok and Here’s Why #ItCanWait

Becoming a mom changed my life in so many ways. I realized that any decisions I made in my life would directly affect my children. Like most moms, my first instinct is to protect them.

From trying to decide which car seat was the best and safest, to what type of toys they could play with that wouldn’t choke them.

We pay attention to everything that involves the safety of our children.


Even as they grow up, the daily decisions we make to keep our kids safe are endless. Our children’s safety and well-being are generally at the forefront of our thought process.


I’ll be the first to admit that I have I have not put the safety of my own family (or that of other families on the road) first.


Because every time I’ve tried to send a text, reply to an e-mail or respond to someone on social media while behind the wheel was putting everyone I love in danger.

I didn’t realize how distracted I was until I was asked to be a part of this campaign. So over the last couple of months, I was shocked at the number of times I found myself picking up my phone to do something while driving.

This was more than just a campaign for me. This was a reality check.

And the fact that there are so many distracted drivers on the road doing the same thing, gave me pause.


Initially, I thought I was being a “safe distracted driver”. Spoiler alert: there is no such thing.

What this awareness did was it allowed me to recognize what I was doing without even realizing it. It was more of a habit as opposed to something I felt I had to do.

I get it. You’re stuck in traffic or at a red light. No harm, no foul, right? Wrong.

What really got my attention:

When I saw this, I knew I had to be a part of AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign. This campaign is powerful because it forces you to understand that distracted driving is never okay.

It forces you to understand that even when you’re alone in the car…you’re really not. We’ve all heard the statistics about how quickly accidents can happen when we get distracted for even a second.

This year, It Can Wait campaign is on a mission to reach 16 million pledges by the end of 2016. They are currently at 12.7 million, and I know we can help them reach their goal.

If the above video weren’t enough, check out this 360 stimulation to see what really happens when we’re distracted while driving.

So I’m challenging you to join me in a 21-day challenge.

Starting today, I’m taking the 21-day challenge to stop distracted driving. I’ll be keeping you updated on my progress via my social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Periscope).

Be sure to follow #ItCanWait on social, and you could win a Google Cardboard or It Can Wait swag.

It. Can. Wait. And it should wait. Click here to take the pledge and join the 21-day challenge. No tweet, text, e-mail, DM or inbox is that important.


Why pledge? It can wait.

Something mentally shifts when we commit to doing something. And studies show that it takes on average 21 days to create a new habit.

Here are a few things that have happened to people who have taken the pledge:

  • Almost half of people who pledged said they now don’t use their smartphones while driving.
  • Those who share their promise or pledge with others are even more likely to stop, and more likely to speak up to others. Of those who shared their promise or pledge with others:
    • 4-in-10 asked a friend or family member to not use their smartphone while driving.
    • Nearly one-third asked a driver to not use their smartphone while driving when riding as a passenger.
    • Nearly 4-in-10 asked a passenger to operate their smartphone while they are driving.

What you can do now:

Download the AT&T DriveMode App which helps to minimize distractions while driving and helps you keep your eyes on the road.

Download the App in the Apple or Google Play stores today.

As an influencer, I not only have a responsibility to my family but also to my community in which I interact with on a daily basis. Distracted driving should be socially unacceptable.

AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign is an important message that I’m proud to be a part of.

Will you be joining me? Comment below and let me know!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by AT&T as part of their It Can Wait campaign to encourage distracted-free driving. As always, all opinions are my own.


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  • Kemkem
    November 23, 2016 at 12:03 PM

    It really can wait. What amazes me the most half of the time is that it’s often mothers with kids in the car who do this. I understand multi-tasking, but what is the use of putting your precious cargo in safety belts, do all you can to protect them in life only to shortchange them by putting their lives in jeopardy because of a stupid phone call or distraction. Glad you joined up. IT CAN WAIT! :-).
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    • Christine St.Vil
      December 5, 2016 at 6:14 AM

      Thanks Kem. I can’t way that it’s one demographic over another. But I can say that it’s a problem and I’ve seen countless people texting or talking and driving across the board (some with, some without kids in the car).

  • Michelle Malone
    November 23, 2016 at 12:39 PM

    Christine, thanks for sharing this challenge with all of us. Of all the challenges out there, I admit that this one is dear to my heart. I can’t imagine what could be so pressing that it needs to be addressed while driving. I see it often, and I alwyays want to honk the horn and say “Cut it out!” I’m not sure how well that would be received. For my part, I know that I don’t talk on the phone or text while driving. I have responded to a call using hands-free, but it is a rare thing for me.
    Michelle Malone would like you to check out…WaitingMy Profile

    • Christine St.Vil
      December 5, 2016 at 6:17 AM

      Hi Michelle, you’re so welcome. Thanks for sharing. I use hands-free calling (and texting) and always have a headset. I’m glad ATT started this challenge to raise awareness around this issue.

  • Emerald
    November 23, 2016 at 6:28 PM

    Distracted driving is such a hazard on the road. In this age of digital everything, it’s not uncommon to see people checking their notifications at the light, when really we should just put the phone up while were driving. I love the picture of your kids! So cute!
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    • Christine St.Vil
      December 5, 2016 at 6:19 AM

      Thanks so much Emerald! Yes I totally agree! This challenge is making me realize how often I was pulling my phone out at stop lights.

  • Thirty30Courtney
    November 24, 2016 at 12:42 AM

    Super important. I don’t drive anymore (take the rail to work) but I definitely understand the importance of this campaign. Unfortunately, I lost a friend two months ago to the date from drunk driving. I’m already sensitive about folks driving / texting simultaneously because I’ve been in two bad accidents caused by such. Thank you for showing the importance of this issue.

    • Christine St.Vil
      December 5, 2016 at 6:19 AM

      Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that Courtney 🙁 Thank you for sharing. I, too have seen so many bad accidents likely caused by distracted driving.

  • Ty
    November 24, 2016 at 12:42 PM

    I am guilty of texting and driving. I just got a ticket for it the other day. I think I am going to have to take advantage of the app that you showed us to eliminate the temptation. #itcanwait

  • Kirstin Fuller
    November 24, 2016 at 1:19 PM

    Distracted driving (IMO) causes the most accidents nowadays. The video was so…impactful. Well done! I get it know even more so after watching that video.

  • Joanna
    November 25, 2016 at 12:26 AM

    I DO NOT Play when it comes to driving and having my phone. If it has bluetooth audio, I set it up, but no texting at all when I’m in the care. I even have my phone on silent most of the time. Nope. I like my life and I don’t like being distracted.

  • Tryphena Wade
    November 25, 2016 at 12:31 AM

    Wow. This video is so powerful. I literally had tears in my eyes by the end. IT’s so true. We get so easily distracted and it’s tempting to think that we can concentrate on the road while dealing with messages on our phones simultaneously. Kudos to you for taking this challenge and putting your kids first!

  • Cleverly Changing
    November 25, 2016 at 7:56 AM

    The statistics are troubling. Last year I was parked and someone who was looking at their cellphone drove onto my car and totaled it. We always have to be aware so distracted driving is never OK.

  • Ramona
    November 25, 2016 at 9:33 AM

    Distracted driving is a big issue. You see it more and more these days. I’m not perfect and have used my phone while driving. However, lately, I’ve been more aware of my actions. I’m going to take the challenge. Thanks for sharing.
    Ramona would like you to check out…Social Media News: 5 of the Best Stories This WeekMy Profile

  • Danika
    November 25, 2016 at 8:16 PM

    My sister has an alert that returns a message to a caller anytime she’s driving. I try not to respond but in admit, I use my phone at stop signs and traffic signals. Think I’ll just keep my phone in the back seat; that way I can’t get to it.

  • VeePeeJay (Vashti)
    November 29, 2016 at 1:49 AM

    Yes, it definitely can wait. I have seen situations where things change in the blink of an eye because of distracted driving. As you said there are no safe, distracted drivers.

  • Patrice Hopkins
    December 14, 2016 at 10:11 AM

    My husband called me this morning and the first thing he said was “Guess what happened to me?” He was rear ended. However, it was not the fault of the driver behind him but of the distracted driver behind him. Thank God he and all parties involved were not injured. It can wait. It can always wait.

    • Christine St.Vil
      December 15, 2016 at 1:57 PM

      Oh no Patrice! I’m so glad he’s ok and that no one was injured. Thanks for the continued reminder that nothing is important when you’re behind the wheel, other than focusing on the road.

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