When Pain Becomes Your Purpose

Pain Becomes Your Purpose

As I was shopping the other day, I heard someone shouting my name from down the aisle. I looked around and there was a lady smiling at me as she called my name. She had a big smile on her face as she clearly knew who I was, but I had no clue who she was.

She said, “OMG! You are Tanya’s Xchange!” She grabbed me and hugged me, so all I could do was hug her back. I felt extremely awkward and nervous, so I came clean and told her I had no idea who she was. She proceeded to tell me that we never met but how my website and social media messages have blessed her tremendously.

It took everything within me not to cry. I had no idea the girl who was barely chosen for kickball and dodgeball, would be an inspiration. I was overwhelmed that the years of pain and shame I felt from having been a 19-year-old pregnant college dropout, were building me up for such a time as this. The years of asking God why I had a marriage from “hell” and why I lost my hair, made this one moment in time worth every tear.

Also Related: Road to Resiliency: How I Turned my Pain to Power #Resilientvoices 

I asked the lady’s name and listened intently as she shared her current, painful situation. I offered her hope and encouragement and asked her to join my support page, Being A Wife Just Got Real, to find someone to pray with her through her trying marriage.

We hugged again as we parted ways. Each step to my car was a struggle to hold back the tears. Once I got in it, the floodgates opened. I cried as I thanked God that the past pain in my life now had a purpose. That pain made me a stronger woman who is now giving hope to other women. God immediately pricked my heart to give her a copy of my book, so I ran back in and did just that. I prayed that God would give her the strength to get through her current situation so she can eventually help someone else through theirs.

How have you turned your pain into His purpose? I would love to know what it was and how it helped others.

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