Motivational Monday: Self-Confidence & the Fear of Success

Self-Confidence & the Fear of Success

It’s a long weekend here in Canada and fireworks are going off as type this. The holiday in question is “Victoria Day”, celebrating Queen Victoria’s birthday. She was the reigning queen in the UK from 1837, until 1901 when she passed. You might have heard these years referred to as the “Victorian era”.

Not to make this a history lesson, but I just wanted to point out that the era was one of peace, prosperity, and national self-confidence for Britain. Self-confidence is something I’ve personally struggled with when I was younger, and even today from time to time. Not being a boisterous to begin with, I somehow grew up with the notion that being modest was the right thing to be.

Also Related: “Motivational Monday: Hoe Being Determined Will Help You on Your Journey to Success

Why I believe this is bad is because it’s made me not really celebrate my successes. I even feel a bit awkward if someone praises something I’ve done. I always downplay it when really I shouldn’t. If God has given me the ability to do something, and do it well, I have to remind myself that it’s ok for people to recognize it as such. On this entrepreneurial journey, if I can’t properly receive a “job well done”, how am I going to accept and receive a $10,000 check? Lol. I don’t want to feel bad about spending it, and as much as I’ve already spent it in my head, I wonder if I’m ready.

I’ve heard people talk about the fear of success, and I literally rolled my eyes, because I was like “honey, not me. Bring it on!” But success is ultimately the result and reward of doing something well, so in a moment of transparency, I may unintentionally be hindering my own success. If you in any way, shape, or form recognize this in yourself, I want to encourage you today to celebrate your wins, even the littlest ones.

How do you celebrate your wins and tell yourself “job well done?”

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